Channel: Is there a way to throw an exception without adding the throws declaration? - Stack Overflow
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Answer by Subhabrata Ghosh for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

Yes there is, using typecast to Runtime exception and throws a runtime exception.Create an Exception helper class like this.public class ExceptionHelper { public static <T> void...

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Answer by Unmitigated for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding...

In Java 8, throwing a checked exception without declaring it can be done more easily due to type inference.public class Main { public static void main(String[] args) { throwException(new...

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Answer by dan1st is crying for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

If you use Project lombok and want to throw checked exceptions without the throws declaration, you can add @SneakyThrows to the method:public void yourCaller(){ yourMethod();}@SneakyThrowspublic void...

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Answer by Ahmad Al-Kurdi for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

Yes there is a why but it is not recommended at all you can use :Java unsafe packagegetUnsafe().throwException(new IOException());This method throws checked exception, but your code not forced to catch...

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Answer by Eng.Fouad for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding...

Here is a trick:class Utils{ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private static <T extends Throwable> void throwException(Throwable exception, Object dummy) throws T { throw (T) exception; } public...

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Answer by dogbane for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding the...

I just want do add an alternative answer, purely as an FYI:Yes, there is a way to throw a checked exception without adding the throws declaration, by using the sun.misc.Unsafe class. This is described...

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Answer by fmucar for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding the...

You can use any exception derived from RuntimeException or RuntimeException itselforuse a try-block for the exception throwing code and handle it there

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Answer by Jason S for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding the...

Here's an example for intercepting checked exceptions and wrapping them in an unchecked exception:public void someMethod() { try { doEvil(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); }}

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Answer by Erhan Bagdemir for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

you can catch the exception with try- catch block in your method overridden.then you don't need to declare throws- statement.

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Answer by Michael Borgwardt for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

A third option is to opt out of exception checking (just like the Standard API itself has to do sometimes) and wrap the checked exception in a RuntimeException:throw new...

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Answer by Peter Lawrey for Is there a way to throw an exception without...

Why don't you throw an unchecked exception? This doesn't have to be declared.Two alternatives arewrap with a checked exception with an unchecked one.don't let the compiler know you are throwing a...

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Answer by OrangeDog for Is there a way to throw an exception without adding...

You can throw unchecked exceptions without having to declare them if you really want to. Unchecked exceptions extend RuntimeException. Throwables that extend Error are also unchecked, but should only...

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Is there a way to throw an exception without adding the throws declaration?

I have the following situation.I have a Java Class that inherits from another base class and overrides a method.The base method does not throw exceptions and thus has no throws ... declaration.Now my...

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